This platform invites professional colleagues, partners and other enthusiasts with who we share various interests around STRATEGY.  We hope to create a vibrant community of corporate and community leaders inspired by the thought that even in unpredictable times, there are known ways by which achievement of desired outcomes can be optimised, uncertainties about the future reduced and their effect on human undertakings mitigated .  Please feel welcome to share your thoughts in the various discussions of interest here and let's make the journey together.  See you soon; and "let us never fear to think".

Cette plate-forme invite des collègues professionnels, des partenaires et d'autres passionnés avec qui nous partageons divers intérêts autour de la stratégie. Nous espérons créer une communauté dynamique de chefs d'entreprise inspirés par le fait que même dans des situations imprévisibles, il existe des moyens connus d'optimiser la réalisation des résultats souhaités, de réduire les incertitudes quant à l'avenir et d'atténuer leurs effets sur les entreprises humaines. N'hésitez pas à mettre un mot.

À bientôt; et "n'ayons jamais peur de penser".
  • How is competition reorganising and shaping up in various industries?
  • What will be the ideal business model in various industries ten years from now?
  • What markets should businesses and investors be targeting target over the next ten years?
  • What competencies are the most critical for who and why; who is performing how against these competencies?
  • What factors are driving change in different markets and industries?
  • How sustainable are different business models around the world?
  • How can relationships be remodeled in different value chain to enhance efficiency and increase profitability?

This is the stuff we hope to engage about here.

Before you ask a question or begin a discussion however - please make sure to search for a similar question or discussion. You can search these by their title or tags.   It is also okay to answer your own question, and it is, obviously, also expected you will participate in discussions that you start, without necessarily taking a leadership or moderator role .

Please avoid asking questions or raising discussions that are not relevant to this community.

Try to ask questions, give answers, or make discussion contributions in a way that you are sure will make us all better people.  We depend on each other for this.  

To prevent your questions and other contributions from being flagged and possibly removed, avoid asking questions or making contributions that are uniquely subjective, emotive, or otherwise offensive.

As much as possible, answers should not comment on other answers. Instead, add your own comment or answer to the on-going discussion.

If you wish to include a link to external content, don't just paste the link.  Instead, give context and overview to what the link is about even if it's just a copy/paste.  Links are welcome, but should be complementary to answers, comments and discussions; they should be references for further or additional reading.

Quand une question ou réponse est votée, l'utilisateur qui l'a publiée gagne des points, qui sont appelés "points de karma'. Ces points servent à mesurer approximativement la confiance que la communauté lui accorde. Différentes tâches de modération sont progressivement attribuées à l'utilisateur en fonction de ces points.

Par exemple, si vous posez une question intéressante ou donnez une réponse utile, votre participation sera votée favorablement. D'un autre coté, si la réponse est trompeuse - cela vous sera défavorable. Chaque vote positif génère 10 points, chaque votre négatif vous soustrait 10 points. Par jour, un maximum de 200 points accumulés peuvent être attribués pour une question ou une réponse. Le tableau donné à la fin explique la réputation des points d'exigence pour chaque type de tâche de modération.

Not just anyone can do this.  The goal of forum is create a relevant knowledge perspectives around what is important for users.

Therefore questions and answers can be edited like wiki pages by experienced users of this forum in order to improve the overall quality of the forum's content.  Such privileges are granted based on user karma level: you will be able to do the same once your karma gets high enough.

Voici un tableau avec les privilèges et le niveau de karma