Managing the Learning and Development Funtcion


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Managing the Learning and Development Funtcion

   Course Title. Managing the Learning and Development Function ​​(ENAMEL)

   Duration. 3 Days

   Venue. ​House of Waine, Nairobi

Course brief
Many progressive managers in the world today are increasingly finding learning and development a powerful strategic function, and are making major contributions to business growth and organisational success through the effective management of the learning and development function within the broader HR docket.  Even in the “not so progressive” organisations, the influence of the human resources’ aggregate capacity with respect to knowledge, skills and attitudes is widely agreed to be one of the most significant factors in the determination corporate performance.   Whether learning and development is co-ordinated as a centralised specialist function, or is controlled by line managers, it is vital that the function is managed from a strategic perspective and with an effort to achieving certain minimum standards for it to yield its desired return to the business.
This course will provide participants an overall perspective into the management of the learning and development function, organsiational foundations necessary for the effective performance of the function, and particularly in contexts where responsibility for training and development is devolved to line management.  The course emphasises the need to tailor learning and development activities to organisational objectives and business needs and includes reference to managing the performance of non-employees such as out-sourced workers for whose learning and development the organisation may not be directly responsible.
 The course will be especially beneficial for managers with overall responsibility for learning and development in the organsiation, whether as a support function or as part of line management responsibility.  It is also suitable for persons who would like to take up the management of learning and development as a career route, managers for whom learning and development activities is part of their career path, as well as for persons in general management that would like to refresh their perspectives on the subject and check their current practice against contemporary thought.
 The course will run in a mix of workshop, breakout work groups and plenary sessions and will aim at establishing mutually supporting networks among the attendees even after its conclusion.
 Key areas covered on this course will include:
  • competency profiling and development
  • identification and analysis of training needs
  • integrating learning and development to the performance management process
  • negotiating for the learning and development agenda in the corporate forum
  • trends in learning and development methodology
  • evaluating learning and development initiatives in the organisation.

By the end of the course, participants should be able to:
 i.    develop learning and development policy from corporate strategy
ii.    conduct accurate performance gap analysis
iii.   effectively monitor progress of learning and development initiatives aimed at bridging various performance gaps;
iii.   derive useful learning and development paths for staff across the organisation;
iv.   determine the role and usefulness of various approaches to organisational learning and development;
v.     evaluate returns on investment in learning and development function
Detailed learning objectives and related contents will be sent to you on confirmation as part of an advance study pack ahead of the course.
Other courses of related interest
  • Perforamance Management
  • Finance for non-finance Managers
  • Corporate Planning and Performance Modelling
  • Leadership and management skills development
 Please contact us to discuss specific requirements
OR schedule an initial, no obligation, online meeting


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Date et heure
mercredi 16 août 2023
Commence à 08:00 (Africa/Nairobi)
vendredi 18 août 2023
Fin - 17:00 (Africa/Nairobi)

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ARTEMIS Transition Partners

+254 20 2315530
+254 722 839350

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